Sunday 16 June 2013

Come and discuss the plight of the middle classes with me

BrokeThe publicity about my book Broke: Who Killed the Middle Classes seems to be continuing.  Fingers crossed that people are actually reading it.  But it is an important debate about the future of our society, and whether we are hurtling towards a new semi-feudalism - and talking about the middle class is always fun.

So do come and join in the conversation.  I'm speaking about the book at the following events:

The Centre for Local Economic Strategies summit in Manchester (27 June) - actually that is mainly about local economics, but I'm happy to talk about the middle classes too.

Ways With Words at Dartington (8 July at 1pm).

Whitechapel Gallery (26 July at 12.30pm)

Edinburgh Book Festival (19 August at 4pm) with Richard Brooks

Whitechapel Gallery (30 August at 12.30pm) panel discussion.

Soho Literary Festival (27 September at 4pm, this is the correct date) with Harriet Sergeant, Henry Hitchings and Owen Jones.

I should also be at the Chiswick Book Festival but I'm waiting to confirm this.

Some of these are liable to be explosive.  All of them are going to be fun, especially when we start talking about the innermost fears of the middle classes to audiences of the middle classes....


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  4. Middle class does get crushed between the upper and the lower one. yet there exist times when it takes advantage of both. meet and greet gatwick
